Code of Conduct
The Board of Education of the George Junior Republic Union Free School District
demands that its schools be Drugs Free, Weapons Free, and free from facsimiles of drugs and weapons to assure the immediate and long-term health and safety of students, staff and visitors.
The District is committed to providing a safe and orderly school environment free from harassment, intimidation, threats and violence.
Expectations for conduct on school property or at school functions are based on the tenets of civility, mutual respect, tolerance, honesty and integrity.
- Pursuant to Section 100.2 (1) (I) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, a Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities is established. Students in the George Junior Republic Union Free School District shall.
- Take part in all district activities on an equal basis regardless of race, sex or national origin, unless previous disciplinary action has temporarily restricted such participation.
- Be permitted to address the Board of Education on the same terms as any member of the outside community.
- Be suspended from instruction only after their rights pursuant to Education Law 3214 have been observed.
2.It shall be the responsibility of each student in the George Junior Republic Union Free School District:
- To be familiar with and abide by all district policies, rules and regulations pertaining to student conduct.
- To work to the best of his ability in all academic, work experience and extracurricular pursuits and strive toward the highest level of achievement possible.
- To conduct himself when participating in or attending school sponsored extracurricular events, as a representative of the George Junior Republic Union Free School District and as such, hold himself to the highest standards of conduct, demeanor and sportsmanship.
- To be in regular attendance in the school program and in class.
- To be responsible for contributing to the maintenance of an environment that is conducive to learning and to be expected to show due respect to other persons and to property.
- To make constructive contributions to his school and work experience areas; and to assume the responsibility for reporting any school related threats, problems or issues.
Student Dress Code
All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriate in the school setting. Students have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. George Junior Republic Union Free School District staff should exemplify and reinforce acceptable attire and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting.
Students who violate the dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by changing into appropriate clothing. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to discipline.
A student’s dress shall:
- Be safe, appropriate, and not disrupt or interfere with the instructional process.
- Include jackets or coats to be worn outdoors if the temperature is less than 50°.
- Ensure that undergarments are worn and completely covered, so that no undergarments are visible. Undergarments include, but are not limited to boxers, briefs, extra pair of shorts, white t-shirts, thongs, panties, camisoles, and brassieres.
- Ensure that the length of shorts, skirts, and dresses be at least as long as the individual’s middle finger when the arms are extended at the sides.
- Ensure leggings are worn with shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, shorts, skirts, and dresses that are at least as long as the individual’s middle finger when the arms are extended at the sides.
- Cover the abdomen and back midriff.
- Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard, including sandals without backs, slippers, or excessively high heels should not be worn during the school day.
- Not include items that are suggestive, vulgar, illegal, violent, obscene, libelous, gang-related, or denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, weight, sexual orientation, or disability.
- Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or gang-association.
- Not include items that are excessively revealing, see-through, too tight, too short, open back, spaghetti straps, strapless, halter tops, tube tops, tank tops, or otherwise distracting.
- Not include disruptive or dangerous accessories, including sunglasses, heavy chains, spikes, facial or body piercings, or gauges. Gauges may be plugged. Flat, clear spacers may be worn in facial or body piercings.
- Not include electronics and electronic accessories.
- Not include hats, bandannas, or head coverings while in a building.
- Not include pajamas, pajama pants, slippers, or house shoes.
All students must:
- Control use of inappropriate language. No curse words, nothing that defames any individual, race, group or is lewd.
- Follow staff escort without opposition. Stay with staff at Ewald, stay with staff to and from Ewald, Boscowitz, etc.
- Show respect for materials: books, art supplies, furniture, school supplies, etc.
- Meet appropriate standards of dress: neat, clean, well-fitting clothes in good repair.
- Work well with staff, students and all approved visitors.
- Complete assignments, class work and homework in a timely manner. Follow school policies and procedures and classroom rules. Stay in seat, not be disruptive in class.
- Follow staff direction and be respectful. Listen to adults, comply with adults’ requests.
Students will not:
- Engage in conduct that is disorderly. Examples of disorderly conduct include:
- Running in hallways.
- Making unreasonable noise.
- Using language or gestures that are profane, lewd, vulgar or abusive.
- Obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- Engaging in any willful act which disrupts the normal operation of the school community.
- Trespassing. Students are not permitted in any school building, other than the one they regularly attend, without permission from the administrator in charge of the building.
- Computer/electronic communications misuse, including any unauthorized use of computers, software, or internet/intranet account; accessing inappropriate websites; or any other violation of the District’s acceptable use policy.
2. Engage in conduct that is insubordinate. Examples of insubordinate conduct include:
a. Failing to comply with the reasonable directions of teachers, school administrators or other school employees in charge of students or otherwise demonstrating disrespect.
3. Engage in conduct that is disruptive. Examples of disruptive conduct include:
a. Failing to comply with reasonable directions of teachers, school administrators or other school personnel in charge of students.
4. Engage in conduct that is violent. Examples of violent conduct include:
Committing an act of violence (such as hitting, kicking, punching and scratching) upon a teacher, administrator or other school employee or attempting to do so.
Committing an act of violence (such as hitting, kicking, punching and scratching) upon another student or any other person lawfully on school property or attempting to do so.
- Possessing a weapon.
- Displaying what appears to be a weapon.
- Threatening to use any weapon.
- Intentionally damaging or destroying the personal property of a student, teacher, administrator, other district employee or any person lawfully on school property, including, but not limited to graffiti or arson.
Authorized law enforcement officials are the only persons permitted to have a weapon in their possession while on school property or at a school function.
5. Engage in any conduct that endangers the safety, morals, health, or welfare of others and/or can reasonably be expected to materially and substantially disrupt the education process.. Examples of such conduct include:
- Lying to school personnel.
- Stealing the property of other students, school personnel or any other person lawfully on school property or attending a school function.
- Defamation, which includes making false or unprivileged statements or representations about an individual or identifiable group of individuals that harm the reputation of the person or the identifiable group by demeaning them.
- Discrimination, and/or harassment based on actual/or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability or sexual orientation, gender or sex as a basis for treating another in a negative manner.
- Harassment, which includes a sufficiently severe action or a persistent, pervasive pattern of actions or statements directed at an identifiable individual or group which are intended to be or which a reasonable person would perceive as ridiculing or demeaning.
- Intimidation, which includes engaging in actions or statements that put an individual in fear of bodily harm.
- Hazing, which includes any intentional or reckless act directed against another for the purpose of initiation into, affiliating with or maintaining membership in any school sponsored activity, organization, club or team.
- Selling, using or possessing obscene material.
- Using vulgar or abusive language, cursing or swearing.
- Smoking a cigarette, cigar, pipe or using chewing or smokeless tobacco.
- Possessing, consuming, selling, distributing or exchanging alcoholic beverages or illegal substances, or being under the influence of either. “Illegal substances” include, but are not limited to, inhalants, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, heroin, steroids, look-alike drugs, and any substances commonly referred to as “designer drugs”, synthetic cannabinoids (marijuana) or implements designed for use of any of the foregoing.
- Gambling
- Indecent exposure, that is, exposure to sight of the private parts of the body in a lewd or indecent manner.
- Initiating a report warning of fire or other catastrophe without valid cause, misuse of 911 or discharging a fire extinguisher.
6. Engage in misconduct while on a school bus. It is crucial for students to behave appropriately while riding on district buses to ensure their safety and that of the other passengers and to avoid distracting the bus driver. Students are required to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior. Excessive noise, pushing, shoving and fighting will not be tolerated.
7. Engage in any form of academic misconduct. Examples of academic misconduct include:
- Plagiarism
- Cheating
- Copying
- Altering records
- Assisting another student in any of the above actions.
A student may be subject to disciplinary action for conduct which violates the rules, and regulations for maintenance of public order or school property. For example: intentionally causing public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm or recklessly creating a risk thereof by:
- The disruption of the orderly conduct of classes or any other school program or activity.
- Throwing objects.
- Running in the halls.
- Using profane, vulgar or abusive language, including ethnic and/or racial slurs.
- Cheating – including but not limited to copying, using unauthorized help sheets and illegally obtaining tests in advance.
- Making unreasonable noise.
- Smoking.
- Possession of obscene materials such as pornographic magazines, lewd pictures or any sexual devices/instruments.
- Fighting or any threatening behavior which poses an immediate danger to the well being of others (harassment and coercion included).
- Engaging in lewd behaviors, such as exposing oneself or “mooning”.
- Stealing property that belongs to the school district, to school staff or to students.
- Any other action deemed inappropriate by school personnel.
From 2:45 until 3:15 each day students may be returned to the classroom from other areas of program in order to discuss and resolve any of the aforementioned behaviors. These resolutions may include Cottage Directors or Managers, building administrators or any other staff who may be helpful.
A student may be suspended from academic classes for violations which may endanger the safety, morals, health or welfare of others by an act including:
- Using or possessing alcohol, or other prohibited substances on the school premises.
- Possession of weapons or other dangerous instruments which can be used to inflict bodily harm.
- Reporting false alarms/setting off fire alarms.
- Tampering with fire extinguishers.
- Significant destruction of school property.
- Refusal or failure of any person to comply with lawful order or direction of an official of this school district in the performance of his duties.
- Violation of any federal or state statute, local ordinance or Board policy.
All students are expected to promptly report violations of the Code of Conduct to any member of the District staff. Any student observing anyone possessing a weapon, alcohol or illegal substance on school property or at a school function shall report this information immediately to any member of the District staff. The staff member must immediately report this to the Superintendent or Designee.
All district staff that are authorized to impose disciplinary sanctions are expected to do so in a prompt, fair and lawful manner. District staff who are not authorized to impose disciplinary sanctions are expected to promptly report violations of the Code of Conduct to their supervisor. The supervisor will impose an appropriate disciplinary sanction, if so authorized, or refer the matter to a staff member who is authorized to impose an appropriate sanction.
Any weapon, alcohol or illegal substance found shall be confiscated immediately, if possible, followed by notification to the person in parental relation of the student involved and the appropriate disciplinary sanction if warranted, which may include permanent suspension and referral for prosecution.
The Superintendent or his or her designee must notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency of those code violations that constitute a crime and substantially affect the order or security of a school as soon as practical, but in no event later than the close of business the day the Superintendent or his or her designee learns of the violation. The notification may be made by telephone, followed by a letter mailed on the same day as the telephone call is made. The notification must identify the student and explain the conduct that violated the Code and constituted a crime.
Discipline is most effective when it deals directly with the problem at the time and place it occurs, and in a way that students view as fair and impartial. School personnel who interact with students are expected to use disciplinary action only when necessary to place emphasis on the students’ ability to grow in self-discipline.
Disciplinary action, when necessary, will be firm, fair and consistent so as to be the most effective in changing student behavior. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, school personnel authorized to impose disciplinary penalties will consider the following:
- The student’s age.
- The nature of the offense and the circumstances which led to the offense.
- The student’s prior disciplinary record.
- The effectiveness of other forms of discipline.
- Information from the person in parental relation, teachers and/or others, as appropriate.
- Other extenuating circumstances.
As a general rule, discipline will be progressive. This means that a student’s first violation will usually merit a lighter penalty than subsequent violations.
If the conduct of a student is related to a disability or suspected disability, the student shall be referred to the Committee on Special Education and discipline, if warranted, shall be administered consistent with the separate requirements of this Code of Conduct for disciplining students with a disability or presumed to have a disability. A student identified as having a disability shall not be disciplined for behavior related to his disability.
Students who are found to have violated the district’s Code of Conduct may be subject to the following penalties, either alone or in combination. The school personnel identified after each penalty are authorized to impose that penalty, consistent with the student’s right to due process.
- Oral warning – any member of the District staff.
- Written warning – teachers, Principal, Superintendent or Designee.
- Written notification to the person in parental relation – Principal, Superintendent or designee.
- Diversion – any member of District staff.
- After School Resolution – special education aides, teachers, Principal, Superintendent or Designee.
- Suspension from transportation – Principal, Superintendent or Designee.
- Suspension from athletic participation- coaches, Principal, Superintendent or Designee.
- Suspension from social or extracurricular activities – Principal, Superintendent or Designee.
- Suspension of other privileges – Principal, Superintendent or Designee.
- Removal from classroom by teacher – teachers, Principal, Superintendent or Designee.
- In School Suspension – Principal, Superintendent or Designee.
- Short-term (five days or less) suspension from school – Principal, Superintendent, Board of Education.
- Long-term (more than five days) suspension from school – Principal, Superintendent, Board of Education.
- Permanent suspension from school – Superintendent, Board of Education.
The George Junior Republic UFSD recognizes the harm that corporal punishment can create for a student. Corporal punishment means an act of physical force upon a pupil for the purpose of punishing that pupil.
Physical restraint is the use of a minimal force for the prevention of a more serious problem.
Therefore, the George Junior Republic UFSD has adopted the following policy:
A. Corporal punishment is to be prohibited.
B. Physical restraint may be used in the following cases (if necessary):
- To protect oneself from physical injury.
- To protect another pupil or teacher or any other person from physical injury.
- To protect the property of the school or others.
- To restrain a pupil whose behavior is interfering with the orderly exercise and performance of school district functions, if that pupil has refused to comply with a request to refrain from further disruptive acts; provided that alternative methods not involving the use of physical restraint cannot be reasonably employed.
- Periodic in-service training will be provided by the district to all school staff on crisis intervention and physical restraint procedures.
All visitors must report to the Administration Building or school office before visiting anyone on Campus.
No person either alone or with others, shall:
- Injure any person or threaten to do so.
- Damage or destroy school district property or the personal property of a teacher, administrator, other district employee or any person lawfully on school property, including, but not limited to graffiti or arson.
- Disrupt the orderly conduct of classes, school programs or other school activities.
- Distribute or wear materials on school grounds or at school functions that are obscene, advocate illegal action, appear libelous, obstruct the rights of others, or are disruptive to the school program.
- Intimidate, harass or discriminate against any person on the basis of actual/or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability or sexual orientation, gender or sex as a basis for treating another in a negative manner.
- Enter any portion of the school premises without authorization or remain in any building or facility after it is normally closed.
- Possess, consume, sell, distribute or exchange alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, or be under the influence of either on school property or at a school function.
- Possess or use weapons in or on school property or at a school function, except in the case of law enforcement officers as specifically authorized by the school district.
- Loiter on school property.
- Gamble on school property or at school functions.
- Refuse to comply with any reasonable order of school district officials performing their duties.
- Incite others to commit the acts prohibited by this Code.
- No smoking in or around school buildings.
- Violate any federal or state statute, local ordinance or Board policy while on school property or while at a school function.
Persons who violate this Code of Conduct shall be subject to the following penalties:
- Visitors
Their authorization, if any, to remain on school grounds or at a school function shall be withdrawn and they shall be directed to leave the premises. If they refuse to leave, they shall be subject to ejection.
2. Students
They shall be subject to disciplinary action as the facts may warrant, in accordance with the due process requirements.
3. Staff
They shall be subject to warning, reprimand, suspension or dismissal as the facts may warrant in accordance with any legal rights they may have.
The Superintendent or Designee shall be responsible for enforcing the conduct required by this Code.
When the Superintendent or Designee sees an individual engaged in prohibited conduct, which in his or her judgment does not pose any immediate threat of injury to persons or property, the Superintendent or Designee shall tell the individual that the conduct is prohibited and attempt to persuade the individual to stop. The Superintendent or Designee shall also warn the individual of the consequences for failing to stop. If the person refuses to stop engaging in the prohibited conduct, or if the person’s conduct poses an immediate threat of injury to persons or property, the Superintendent or Designee shall have the individual removed immediately from school property or the school function. If necessary, local law enforcement authorities will be contacted to assist in removing the person.
The district shall initiate disciplinary action against any student or staff member, as appropriate, with the “Penalties” section above
Name_____________________________ Date______________
Behavioral Lesson Assessment
- What are the three school-wide behavior expectations?
- Be ______________________________
- Be______________________________
- Be______________________________
- What is a way to show responsibility in the counseling room?
- What is one behavior that would be respectful while in the classroom?
- What is one behavior that shows safety while transitioning in the hallways?
- What is a behavior that could be rewarded with a Hawk Buck in Ewald?
- What is one behavior that would show responsibility in the restroom?
- What behavior would demonstrate safety on the After School Van?
- What behavior would display responsibility in all settings of the school?
- What behavior would demonstrate safety in the classroom?
- How can a student help maintain a safe environment in these areas?
Directions: Staff to check off each area as student is exposed to a full lesson and appropriate modeling of the expectations for each area. The student will sign below, acknowledging that they have received instruction in the following areas/settings. Staff will return their homeroom’s completed sign off sheets to the main office by the end of the first week of school.
Code of Conduct
STAR Tests given
Behavioral lessons given and assessment passed (80+) ___________
My signature below indicates that I have received instruction regarding the expectations for my behavior in the above checked areas. I have also received and reviewed the Code of Conduct of the George Junior Republic Union Free School District. I am fully aware of the District policies and procedures and have had the opportunity to have any questions answered. My scores for the aforementioned assessments are accurate. I understand that this signed statement will be kept in my file.
Print Student Name__________________________________
Student Signature___________________________________
Date signed________________________________________