Data Confidentiality
Parents Bill of Rights to Know on Data Confidentiality
School Board Policy on Data Confidentiality
Graduation Requirements
Students earn one unit of credit for attending a class one period per day for 40 weeks and ½ unit for attending a class one period per day for 20 weeks. Students must earn a minimum of 22 credits. They must pass 4 units of English, 4 units of Social Studies, 3 units of Math, 3 units of Science, 1 unit of a Language Other than English (unless exempt on IEP), ½ unit of Health, 2 units of Physical Education, and 1 unit of Art, Drawing& Design for Production, or an equivalent. Students may earn a local, or Regents. Regents Examinations are given in English, Math, Science, Global Studies, and US History.
Students are ranked numerically, and all numerical grades are used in the computation of class average. Grades are not weighted. Grades of 64 and below are considered failing.
Diploma Designations
George Junior Republic graduates
Number in Class – 8 Regents Local CDOS SACC TASC Failed to Graduate
3 2? 5 2 1?
Students attending our school 1 1 1
but receiving diploma from
Home School
Total Seniors for 2018-2019
NYS Diploma Requirements
Current Diploma Credential Summary
Physical Fitness Certification
Records Request – website
Application for Employment Certificate 16′-17′
Student Wellness Plan
Internet safety 1-2
Bullying and Cyber Bullying Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
Data Review Protocol
Strengthening Student Data Privacy
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Reporting Form